“Back to Basics” Food Waste Prevention Campaign

Food waste is a serious issue here in Ireland, so much so that it is estimated that Irish households throw away one third of the food they purchase every week. This equates to the average Irish family wasting €50 per month on unused food. Minister Naughten recently estimated that globaly approximately $1 trillion of food was wasted every year, while one billion people go under nourished and another one billion go hungry.

Food waste is therefore not just an environmental issue, where vast amounts of energy are consumed in its production, but also a moral issue, and Irsh consumers are beginning to respond.

This is evidenced by the proliferation of Brown wheelie bins outside homes and it is now mandatory that all householders in population areas of greater than 500 people must have a Brown bin supplied by their waste service provider. Waste service providers are also encouraging the use of the Brown bin by refusing to collect recycling bins and genral waste bins that contain food waste.

Some householders may consider segregating food waste a chore, however if properly done it can become a rewarding and hassle free experience. Keeping the containers for the different wastes in the one kitchen location is a requisite for hassle free segregation, where one can instantly sort out the diffrent waste types at source.

This is where Brustibin is ideal in that once you open its lid you are presented with three options as to where you want to place a waste item, that is in the food waste bin, the recyling bin or the black waste bin. No searching for the proper bin, all options are there in front of you. Hassle free waste segregation and recycling…helping to reduce food waste and do the right thing, while also saving euro’s. It really is that easy!