It’s Not that Difficult…Really. Contaminated or Segregated??

Wheelie Bin Inspectors at Work
Following on from last month’s post on contaminated waste, it is great to see Waste Service Providers upping the ante in realtion to the proper segregation of waste. Recent radio interviews with Des Crinion of Panda and Cosmin Gliga of City Bin informed householders of the impact that non segreagted waste is having. Unsegregated waste contaminates perfectly good recyclable waste. It also creates unecessary grief for the waste companies including binmen and those working in waste segregation facilities. It also impacts on the cost of waste collection. And while those households not segregating waste correctly are in the minority, their actions can impact on the bin charges for all householders. It is therefore imperative that householders segregate correctly at source.
What Waste Providers are Doing

Photograph of Wheelie Bin being Emptied
Unfortunately some householders refuse to do the right thing. This is forcing some waste service providers to introduce quality checks of the householder’s bins. Others are putting cameras in their trucks that photograph each wheelie bin as it is being emptied.

In Truck monitoring of Waste in Wheelie Bin

Bin Scanning
Others are placing controls in the cab that allow drivers to refuse to lift contaminated bins. And as all bin trucks now have the capability to scan every wheelie bin it lifts , the tracing of contaminated waste back to an individual householder is now an exact science. A welcome development in everyone’s book, one would imagine…except naturally for the non compliant. The proper segregation of household waste at source, that is in the kitchen, is not really difficult…particularly if you have a Brustibin to help!