Compostable Liners..How Good are They? Better than most..

Brustibag does not Leak!
With the forthcoming introduction of Pay by Weight Waste Charges, discussions have been ongoing regarding the use or otherwise of Compostable Liners. Firstly a distinction must be made between Compostable Liners and Biodegradable Liners, as Compostable Liners decompose more quickly, do not leave any harmful residue after decomposition and are compatible with the now mandatory Brown Bin collection service. Compostable liners can be easily indentified as they are compliant to EU standard EN13432. Apart from being Compostable, they are semi-permeable allowing air to permeate through the liner, while not allowing moisture out. Therefore they do not leak, and allow air in to dry the waste!


Food Box

Paper Liner
They are heat resistant to 75 degrees, meaning that they can handle hot food. They easily fit the shape of the container which they are lining and are easily tied for transferring to the brown bin.These characteristics, when combined with the use of a vented caddy or inner bin, allows the bio waste to gradually dry, reducing its weight and preventing odours. They are non absorbent in that they do not absorb juices or moisture that may be in the biowaste so they do not discolour , become stained or become mouldy.
Once full and tied, and prior to the onset of decomposition, which usually begins after five days use, the liner is dry and clean and easily handleable. And to top it all, they usually come in rolls of 20 (e.g. Brustibags) saving on storage space ,and as they cost approximately 15-20cents per liner, they not only are the best, but also the most cost effective solution for biowaste collection and storage in the kitchen