The “Brown Bin” is not for Everybody!
In 2013, legislation was introduced with the objective of reducing the amount of food waste going to landfill so as to meet our EU Directive obligations and targets. This legislation is was hoped would encourage householders to reduce the amount of food waste they are producing which is currently running at 80kg per person per annum. As part of the legislation, it is now mandatory for waste service provider to supply a brown bin (for bio-waste) to its customers. It is an offense for them not to do so and it is also an offense for householders to dispose of food waste in their grey or green bin. Unfortunately on recent visits to apartment and student complexes throughout the country there is widespread evidence to suggest that no brown bins are being supplied to a large number of these complexes and that residents are simply disposing of food waste in the residual bin. These now contaminated grey bins are being collected by the waste service provider and mingled with the non contaminated grey bin waste of environmentally conscious householders who properly segregate their waste. So to all those in students and apartment dwellers who do not use the brown bin, please start using the brown bin and help save not only the environment but also on your management fees and de facto rent. The alternative unfortunately could be fines and court appearances for all concerned.